I was so excited when Ilana reached out to me about taking maternity pictures for her this summer!  She gave me an idea of some of my gowns she liked and when she came to try some on, I knew we would have a hard time choosing.  As you can tell, this mama would make a brown paper bag look good!  It was fun getting to photograph a gown I haven’t had the opportunity to use yet, and see her just glow.  Kyle wasn’t planning on being in any of the maternity pictures but I am SO glad Ilana could convince him otherwise!  Maternity pictures with mom and dad are some of my favorite pictures, ever! I just love the connection you can see and feel in them.  Thank you for choosing me to be your photographer in Greensboro.  North Carolina is getting another beautiful, very loved baby girl very soon and I can’t wait to meet her!

Kyle also really came in handy for some dress tossing to get the flowy dress photo above;) 



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